slide 1
uImportance of peace
uLevels of peace
uWhy is peace the need of hour
slide 2
Importance of Peace
slide 3
Importance of peace
uPeace is important in all levels for example we need
inner peace for our well being but we also need world peace in order to live
blissfully .
uPeace between all religions creates a harmony in all
races of people .
=> It is an ideal of happiness and freedom between all
people and countries.
slide 5
Levels of Peace
Slide 6
uFirst comes personal peace between our family our
close ones and we ourselves.
uThen comes community peace which involves the people
who are around you, the society you live it all is affected by how peaceful you
are angry shout at every body people start to avoid you and start to shout back
at you
uThird the world if there is disharmony in the world
there will be lot of conflicts and war is imminent which should be avoided
Slide 7
is peace the need of hour
peace is the
need of hour
uWar kills people and destroys families leaves people
homeless and scar many people for life it is a horrible experience and they ownt won’t want to
go through it again there own the battle failed the could have lost there lives
and have watch many people die so we need peace for people to avoid these
situations so we live in harmony.
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